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Cultural War

Your point is: I'm a leftist. A small group of crazy leftists dominates totally the narrative. They're spinning out of control.
You're motivating it by a graph. I got the concentration of the Democratic voters on the left and the spreading of the Trump's electoral base. I did not get the vertical axis' meaning.
My opinion on it. This graph shows a very broad picture of the US political landscape. I think it accurately describes it. I got impressed by the concentration of blue dots on the lower left of the graph. It gives me the feeling that the core of Clinton's voters are far left down. Anybody who disagrees with that group threatens the electoral base of the next Democratic candidate. He will be ruthlessly dealt with for that reason. Any support of that group will be protected with the same energy.
The far left is the army to protect that core group. They do not have any moral restraints on their actions. They're willing to do anything they'll be told to. They live in a world where they win or they die. They live in a world where any differing opinion with them is an expression of pure evil. Their counteractions are then morally pure.
Having a moral superiority with a very clear picture of good and evil in people and actions. Being sincerely convinced they're threatened in their very existence by any triggering event. Being pushed to act to avoid an evil of such magnitude we can't imagine making them die-hard leftist unimpaired by such things as facts, personal limits in understanding questions and answers.
On their side, they hope in case they win a world where they'll be everything they want or dream to be. That's attractive.
They're strongly attracted by an Edenic illusion and repulsed by the evil of such a magnitude that Nazis is just a dim perspective of a starter in describing that evil. They totally know that relations are just power games solved by force. Everything is in place to have an army of people very willing to fight until the end.
Facing them are people like you, with no clear understanding of the evil they're facing, with no clear understanding of the purity of their aims, with no clear idea what to do to solve the problems of this world, with a terrible consciousness of the presence of the unknown, with a clear consciousness of the hard work that has to be done before having results, with many unsolved issues and so on.
The cultural war we're in has just started. They won't give up because they can't. We're all in a bad spot. If we unite as they are, we lost it. If we stay divided, we'll lose it. If we listen to them we just have the right to submit. If we don't we just prove them they're on the right path. We have a problem.
I don't understand them. I do not know how to deal with such people. They do have the right to exist but so do I. I do have the same right to exist as they do. It leaves me with the option to find out a way to assert that point and they'll agree with it. I don't have it.
A starter could be to know on which ground we stand. I doubt it because it's going in full opposition to them and it's going to enrage that war.

You've got a hope. They shoot themselves "in circles" to paraphrase Obama. They divide themselves to the point they annihilate their influence. It's possible but they're so deeply involved in that thing I can't imagine them giving up. The very moment their group lose they dissolve in the air (opposition to LGBT teaching in the UK by Muslims showed no liberal opposing it). They unfazed by reality as the Avy Yemeni thing showed me for instance. They'll adhere to anything else if they lose faith in their group. The alternative is something like a psychosis. In a word, I wish your hope will materialize. I won't hold my breath for it.

An alternative is to go on the offense. It's playing their game and accepting the war. That's morally disputable. I answer to that war begin with somebody shooting at somebody else. The other accepts total defeat or fight back. Two very bad options and I have a preference for fighting back. I have things in me I'd like to keep them as long as I'm alive. They're worth many sufferings.
The offense could be using their divisions the way you hope they'll materialize. It obliges people like me and others to actually understand what's going on with them. It forces me and (I hope) others to listen to them. The idea is to have at hand arguments they could understand and accept as valid. Those arguments or concepts are aimed at underlining real contradictions, imaginary injustices and so on... and dividing such people to the level of their implosion.
Writing this I notice I'm at the limits of my ideas. My idea of going to the offense, I accept it but I do actually not know how to implement it.
SJW divisions could bring them to the implosion I (and you) wish to see and they'll need all the help we can give them to reach that goal. On the other side, we do need something serious to offer an alternative.

This war is on and very far from over.


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