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Satan and Lucifer at work

No one can say precisely what’s beyond its reach. Our System (Ph Grasset’s idea) has control on many aspects of our lives and the totalitarian pretence to control them all.

The first important idea is that we have to go beyond our reach. System’s results are not so good. We see the end of natural ressources. We see people hating each other through sexual preferences, anti-racism, societal values, religions new and old. We see a bankrupt financial world holding its power because in history bankers issued more paper money than they had gold in their vaults. We see political world in the hands of the former. We see an intellectual world caring less and less about the people and more and more about the way they have to behave. Artificial intelligence in these people hands means only a stronger control of our lives. Transhumanism will be promoted as an industrial resource for only some people. Robotization will make the factories produce far more thing for far less people. The web will more and more be a distraction tool. Nothing good is expected.

Going beyond our reach is to accept something bigger than me and you. If you care about it, you’ll easily encounter it. It will make you an existential threat to the financial, political, intellectual world. They all suppose that they can control everything. Admitting the fact of the beyond denies their legitimacy.

What’s being found beyond is, at least, blurry. It’s insufferable. Everybody need quick and easy fixes. It has to be rational and easily understandable. The beyond has to go into our skulls. It exiges from it to be recreated by human being. The result corresponds to the last decimal to an idol. The other way out is an intuition. If you have one, you can start diffusing it. It will make you a new messiah.

In both cases, you’ll bring a fix. LGBT is such a fix. Its solves the identity problem with the highly rational observation of your sexual preference. Just for that reason, you’ll fight to the death anybody and anything that goes into your way. Social justice will be the only possible one since you found the Truth with your Reason or the Revelation you received from a higher entity. With your Truth, you’ll be able to solve every possible human problem and prevent others coming. Therefore you’ll have to propagate your new faith. You’ll fight to death anything that goes into your way. You’ll be ready to kill and be killed for your Truth.

The blurry thing evoked above is such a thing. It implies something outside your Truth exists. It implies that somebody else could be happy without your Truth. It also implies that you might be wrong. Another one is that leaving people with such a thing in their mind allows the persistence of very serious problems with many suffering you could have avoided to humanity. You’re bound to fight such a thing and their analogous. The stakes can’t be higher in that fight therefore you’re allowed to use any possible mean to destroy it.

The blurry thing’s way is a difficult one. You’ll face such people with their idols or revelations. They won’t show any mercy to you if you take it and that’s the lesser difficulty. Much bigger is the fact that you’ll have to turn every piece of dust you’ll encounter to make your way in the blurry world. Even the smallest piece of difficulty will have to be thoroughly dealt with. The best case scenario is that you’ll find things but never ever reach the whole thing. That’s impossible just for the time you have to find them. Every piece of dust you move when they’re not rocks or mountains will be a hardship to you. It’s going to be difficult even when you do not encounter opposition. It’s a path of the Cross.

The alternative is a suicide. Suicide of humanity with transhumanism, social sciences in the marxist way, globalism, financialised society, global warming, new diseases, lack of food, pollution and so on. The total control of our minds and souls with the medias and artificial intelligence is as horrendous as the other aspects of this future.

I reluctantly chose the path of the Cross because it may easily mean my death by the encounter of a sharp, strong, independent and armed believer of a new messiah or an idol like the LGBT stuff. It’s a form of suicide too. At least when I’ll die from this choice I’ll be able to think that, at least, I tried.

Not a big consolation but I prefer it to the death of what I regard as my soul.


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