I disagree. Telling a lie is done by its creator upon its own merits. A liar is a self-made person. No one taught it how to do that. Surviving your own lies puts you above others.
The Mary Sue characters are pictures in movies and comics created by authors dreaming they were that good and believing that reality and dream are the same thing. They’re telling their readers that they can be the same if they cease to be hindered in their capacities by white heterosexuals males. The Mary Sue characters are promises made to people feeling down and lost in our world with the belief that if they’re Marie Sues they’ll be okay.
They’re being lied to by people lying to themselves to allow them to lie to themselves that if they were not oppressed they would be Mary Sue avatars.
It doesn’t matter to such people because reality doesn’t exist. They’re truths, not a truth. They’re in a dream. Mark Twain wrote once about a Captain he dreamed to be. This character was himself. He was commanding a ship on the Mississippi River going easily through a lot of unbelievable dangers. That’s a Mary Sue Character with a difference. Twain explained it was a dream but we all have such a dream in ourselves. Happened to me too. That’s the reason why I remembered such a story.
It opens very interesting perspectives. It’s a psychological time in our development. I suppose it to be an infantile stage. If you fail in life, it can last much longer. You’re horribly sad and mad at the world. Suddenly such comics come out and you have a vent to your despair and anger.
Suddenly you have a way to get pride (pride parades?) at a very cheap price. Suddenly you have a way out of your misery. Suddenly you’re offered a false hope to rise above the others. You’ve suddenly the idea you could look others down.
It’s all lie. It’s all fabricated. You even know it’s so. You don’t care because you want to believe it. If your personality dies in the process you don’t care because you do look down yourself.
I connect that to all the jokes I read about mad people pretending they were Napoleon (It’s analogous to believe you’re Georges Washington). Those jokes disappeared totally. I heavily suspect they’re now considered serious stuff.
Brie Larson offering girls the occasion to become Captain Marvel and looking serious about it appears to me like the madness of pretending to be Napoleon.
Psychology should be considered here. It could teach me a lot of very interesting stuff when I consider SJWs and analogous.