You're asking for hope. I share this desire with you. Thinking a bit, I've three reasons to hope. I wish they're game changers. The first is in your message whose title was something like "Red alarm, things are going to be much worse". In the end you gave us three quotes of three different sources. The second is the website "" explaining, according to "", that the war is going virtual, a thing you described. The third is that today the Saudi's started to sell their oil in yuans. The Empire is crumbling faster than I thought. That makes it more dangerous but impotent. It's my fourth.
I even consider a catastrophic economic crisis wiping the finance world out as a good thing. It won't be a cakewalk but I do prefer facing such a trouble than dealing with radioactive ruins.
I see a three way issue of this situation. First is the nuclear war. Total annihilation of humanity is a very plausible issue. Second, the crumbling of the Western world. I will be alive to hate the fallouts. It's much better. The third is Russia folds and the "elites" can make their world functioning. I see it as a total slavery to computers, augmented humans and robots taking all the positions. I see it as a world without any transcendance preparing the all-robot world with some human personalities put on electronic supports. I prefer the nuclear war to that world and it's coming.
Therefore, I thing we're in for some call "Armageddon". If it's the case, there will be a world to live in after that battle. The best possible thing to do in such a situation is to prepare the "After". Not easy to think clearly but the better we're ready for it, the easier it will be.
For the present day situation, I see a world where minds are engineered by excellent operators. The "narrative" is a very potent weapon in psychowar. The ideology of post-modernism made it possible. From that ideology, it was possible to create a reality stronger than the reality we live in. The "death of god" left a lot of people open to such manipulations. They didn't have a standing point outside this world to observe critically what was served to them. The belief that one can be god (for instance you decide which sex you have) or that your identity is determined by the only transcendance you have left (I call it sexual drive - it's the main result of Freud's theory) are only tiny points of it. Now it's being sold that you can be what you want and that you build yourself. When you buy it, you're open to any narrative you like. You're being rebuild as a "new man" with the idea you've made yourself. With that in mind, you're alone and depending of the narrative you bought (when you buy anything you buy status, reputation and so on). A war becomes sellable.
Watch the MSM and their voices, they're impressive when they're making hallucinating statements with confidence, certainty and calm. If you see people with that attitude, you need outside informations just to start doubting or you don't have any choice. You'll have to believe. Try to tacle their views accepting their postulates. I wish you good luck. It's impossible. One of the simplest techniques used is making a false statement with several lies in it. If you tackle one lies, you accept the others and logic make you lose.
By writing this I remember another reason to hope. Corbyn is accused of being anti-semite. The big deal is that he is surviving this assault. False accusations can lose traction. That's the big deal here and a reason to hope.
So, I agree with the "" website, we're going to shout as much as we can but the crumbling of the Empire will be its doing. We can say what's wrong. The truth goes through the fractures of the narrative when it's completely contradictory. There's hope there. We need to push truth every time we can. The attack on NEO and other truth seeker outlets shows that the "elite" know it. When I see islamic extremists having youtube channel and people contradicting the MSM view banned from youtube, I thing it's the same idea. Many truths will be lost on the receiver but some will stick. That's enough to make the created reality crumble under its own weight. That my last word of hope.
PS : Sorry for the length, but I'm very worried about the situations. Lies are flying so high that war is to be considered started.
You're asking for hope. I share this desire with you. Thinking a bit, I've three reasons to hope. I wish they're game changers. The first is in your message whose title was something like "Red alarm, things are going to be much worse". In the end you gave us three quotes of three different sources. The second is the website "" explaining, according to "", that the war is going virtual, a thing you described. The third is that today the Saudi's started to sell their oil in yuans. The Empire is crumbling faster than I thought. That makes it more dangerous but impotent. It's my fourth.
I even consider a catastrophic economic crisis wiping the finance world out as a good thing. It won't be a cakewalk but I do prefer facing such a trouble than dealing with radioactive ruins.
I see a three way issue of this situation. First is the nuclear war. Total annihilation of humanity is a very plausible issue. Second, the crumbling of the Western world. I will be alive to hate the fallouts. It's much better. The third is Russia folds and the "elites" can make their world functioning. I see it as a total slavery to computers, augmented humans and robots taking all the positions. I see it as a world without any transcendance preparing the all-robot world with some human personalities put on electronic supports. I prefer the nuclear war to that world and it's coming.
Therefore, I thing we're in for some call "Armageddon". If it's the case, there will be a world to live in after that battle. The best possible thing to do in such a situation is to prepare the "After". Not easy to think clearly but the better we're ready for it, the easier it will be.
For the present day situation, I see a world where minds are engineered by excellent operators. The "narrative" is a very potent weapon in psychowar. The ideology of post-modernism made it possible. From that ideology, it was possible to create a reality stronger than the reality we live in. The "death of god" left a lot of people open to such manipulations. They didn't have a standing point outside this world to observe critically what was served to them. The belief that one can be god (for instance you decide which sex you have) or that your identity is determined by the only transcendance you have left (I call it sexual drive - it's the main result of Freud's theory) are only tiny points of it. Now it's being sold that you can be what you want and that you build yourself. When you buy it, you're open to any narrative you like. You're being rebuild as a "new man" with the idea you've made yourself. With that in mind, you're alone and depending of the narrative you bought (when you buy anything you buy status, reputation and so on). A war becomes sellable.
Watch the MSM and their voices, they're impressive when they're making hallucinating statements with confidence, certainty and calm. If you see people with that attitude, you need outside informations just to start doubting or you don't have any choice. You'll have to believe. Try to tacle their views accepting their postulates. I wish you good luck. It's impossible. One of the simplest techniques used is making a false statement with several lies in it. If you tackle one lies, you accept the others and logic make you lose.
By writing this I remember another reason to hope. Corbyn is accused of being anti-semite. The big deal is that he is surviving this assault. False accusations can lose traction. That's the big deal here and a reason to hope.
So, I agree with the "" website, we're going to shout as much as we can but the crumbling of the Empire will be its doing. We can say what's wrong. The truth goes through the fractures of the narrative when it's completely contradictory. There's hope there. We need to push truth every time we can. The attack on NEO and other truth seeker outlets shows that the "elite" know it. When I see islamic extremists having youtube channel and people contradicting the MSM view banned from youtube, I thing it's the same idea. Many truths will be lost on the receiver but some will stick. That's enough to make the created reality crumble under its own weight. That my last word of hope.
PS : Sorry for the length, but I'm very worried about the situations. Lies are flying so high that war is to be considered started.