Assad will kill with a chemical weapon his people in Idled ! How do I know that ? Simple, I can read. I’ve read that White Helmets escorted « a large supply of poisonous agents » to Saraqib. I’ve read that Ahrar al Sham are arresting people by the dozens. They’re the future victims of the murderous chemical attack against civilians perpetrated by Assad. Mattis and Pompeo announced that the US will strike hard the Syrian army if such an event will take place. The White Helmets will furnish the media coverage of the horrendous event. It’s going to be excellent filming. We’re going to cry over the innocent civilians murdered by Assad, arrested by the local branch of al Qaïda whose bodies will be put in front of a camera. The White Helmets are going to spry their bodies with water, treat highly dangerous toxics without protective gear. It’s going to be impressive and moving. FUKUS will shout it...