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USA in the toaster

Andrei Martyanov disagrees with Philip M. Giraldi on one point. He agrees with the rest.

Giraldi notes first that from time to time sanity prevails in the West Wing e.g. diplomacy is sometimes accepted as a way to deal with other nations. With Pompeo, it’s not one of those moments. As a neocon, he believes that every time a country is face with the US violence it will submit and the USA will never pay a price for that behaviour. It implies that countries has no collective memory of any former event and will never ever take revenge if the occasion presents itself.

Stupidities like sanctions against Russia for the Skripal poisoning could have a steep price to pay for the US. It’s even more problematic since the Trump’s attitude in front of Putin was friendly. Maybe Trump is not in charge of the US foreign policy. Turkey is also submitted to the US wrath. Iran can do anything, it will suffer from the same thing. No proof of any reason used to justify that treatment has been shown. Reasons to act that annoy the US have been rejected with contempt.

Giraldi concludes that the USA are the ultimate angry imperial power lashing out the only thing that seems to work » its intervention in financial markets. it will only hasten the demise of the USA as the sole superpower and their victims will seek revenge.

Martyanov disagrees with Giraldi on his conclusion. Russia will not seek revenge on the Americans. First, historically Russians are not vengeful. Even with Germany they were not. Soviet rapists were condemned to the Gulag by the thousands. Second, Russian people have no beef with Americans but with an American power « elite ». Their power is in full collapse and accelerating. They’re to be put in front a court and judged but it does belong to the US people to do the job. Russia seeks a peaceful, stable and prosperous nation.

Martyanov believes in the existence of US healthy forces in it. If they prevail, USA will live on. If not, this country is done and the collapse is going to be catastrophic. Neither Russia nor China need it. They know it will come and are ready for arrangements to organise a soft landing.

The biggest obstacle to it is the current American political class. It’s unable to held to a treaty or accept an agreement. It dooms this group.

I think that the USA are toast. It’s game over for them. Every thinkable distraction from this fact won’t change the outcome of the current state of the country. The problem is to organise at best this implosion. Fallouts will be difficult and costly to support.

I think that Giraldi knows much better the USA than Martyanov. He knows that they can’t do otherwise since the USA are in the hand of people unable to accept other rules than their owns. Every time somebody refuses it those in power that be will take revenge. That’s the way I interpret the delirious amount of sanctions in so many directions I lost the count. The sanctioning ones know how their world function. Some folks have all the shots at hand. I they’re blocked, their world fall apart. Now, I suspect that even being slowed down will make their world implodes. This idea comes from the strange sort of sanction forbidding some folks in other countries to travel. The other sort of sanctions is financial. That’s the origin of the power of the « current US elite ».  In their pants, sanctions have a meaning.

From Martyanov, Giraldi and me, they’re at least counterproductive. Since the power that be can’t think of anything else, it’s doomed.

Accepting this implies the existence of alternatives to sanctions. The majority of the US population has totally left their « elite » in every possible sense. Some of it is even opposing its elite. Room for a positive evolution of the USA is here.

Martyanov and I do wish it. He announces on the Russia-Insider website that Russia and China do share this opinion. I think it’s true. We would immensely benefit from it. I’d live in a world not in a radioactive desert where breathing is a hazard. Russia and China would go on living as countries with a society. I could give other reasons but those two are sufficient to mark my point.

Martyanov knows much better Russia than Giraldi and I. Trouble with his attitude, it’s a wish.

I share with him that wish and I’m not in command of the USA.


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